Varnishes and paints. Paints, varnishes and car kits. Auto cosmetics/maintenance products. Trade of paints and varnishes for household/industrial use. Distribution of paint and varnish for chemical stores.
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Cereals trade. Manufacturer of varnishes and paints. Pigments. Supplier/manufacturer of edible alcohol. Additives, yeast for bakery. Ingredients and raw materials for brewers.
Manufacturer of varnishes and paints. Pigments. Trade of paints and varnishes for household/industrial use. Varnishes and paints. Soap supplier. Polyester. Households putties. Distribution of paint and varnish for chemical stores. Artificial resin.
Supplier of raw materials and equipment for metallic structures. Supply of building materials. Sale of building materials. Elements for steel/sheet roofs. Roof tile.