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 Ruck Ventilatoare SRL Tarnaveni

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Air Conditioning & Aeration section of the Household domain.

Strada 1 Decembrie 1918, nr.44, Tarnaveni

 In charge 
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 Web address

Manufacturer of air handling fans and central Germany with a production site in Romania, in the range of products for commercial and industrial applications-easy with Max. to 10,000 m3 / s.

Ruck Ventilatoare SRL Tarnaveni encounter 2962 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Mures:

Repair, service and maintenance for refrigeration equipment. Repairs of refrigerators, freezers, cooling appliances. Air conditioning. Pipes for household utilities. Refrigerating and air conditioning. Refrigeration equipment.

We offer full service (design, construction, consulting) in the air-conditioning, ventilation, heating. Call with confidence for fast and quality service.

Air conditioning and heating devices.

Air conditioning and heating devices.


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