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 Roquette Romania SA Calafat

 Main business
Trader in the Raw Materials & Additive & Admixture & Flavour section of the Alimentation domain.

Platforma Industriala S-V nr.5, Calafat, 205200

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address
Not available.

Supplier of food enhancers, starch, glucose.

Roquette Romania SA Calafat encounter 2410 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Dolj:

PET bottle manufacturer in industrial quantities.

Breeding cows, milk production and processing and agricultural land use in the production of needed food feed the cows.

We are designers, manufacturers and distributors of agricultural machinery (tractors, motosape, tillers, motocositoare, chainsaws, motofoarfeca, motoburghiu, gas mower).

Food market.


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