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 Romned Port Operator SA Constanta

 Main business
Offer services in the Harbour Services & Processing section of the Transport domain.
Trader in the Bicycle & Motocycle section of the Sport domain.
Offer services in the Recovery & Restoring section of the Industrial domain.

Incinta Port Constanta, Constanta, 900900

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Romned Port Operator SA Constanta representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Not available.
 Web address
Not available.

River/maritime services. Motorcycles. Scrap metal recovery. Cargo handling activities in port. Ports machinery equipment. Storage and handling of containers. Port services.

Romned Port Operator SA Constanta encounter 4232 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Constanta:

Cargo handling activities in port. River/maritime services. Port services. Storage and handling of containers.

Port authority. Regulations for navigation. River/maritime services. Port services. Ports machinery equipment. Cargo handling activities in port. Storage and handling of containers. Distribution of technical products and materials.

River/maritime services.

River/maritime services. Cargo handling activities in port. Exporter of wood. Docks and warehouses. Import/export of non-ferrous products. Cereal supplier. Port services. Ferrous metallurgy products. Storage and handling of containers.


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