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 Rebina Bioenergie SA Timisoara

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Petrochemistry & Fuel & Gas & Refinement section of the Chemistry domain.

Strada Norma 7, Timisoara, 300704

 In charge 
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 Web address

Manufacturer of bio fuels from plants. Equipment and facilities for alternative energy production. Oil reclamation services. Pellets producer. Production of electric and thermal power.

Rebina Bioenergie SA Timisoara encounter 173 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Timis:

Domestic and international road transport of goods. Transportation of petroleum products tankers. Sale of petroleum products. Domestic and international road transport. Club.

Wholesale distribution and retail of petroleum products (gasoline, diesel, lubricants). We provide products in many sectors of activity such as agriculture, transport, logistics, construction and others.

Heaters based on natural gas.

Sale of petroleum products. Fuels trade.


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