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 Rom Olsena Company SRL Targu Mures

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Plate & Wire section of the Industrial domain.
Offer services in the Gas Station & Car Wash & Equipment section of the Auto domain.

Strada Bega 2A, Targu Mures, 540390

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address
Not available.

Manufacturer of wire. Car wash station.

Rom Olsena Company SRL Targu Mures encounter 2060 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Mures:

Manufacturer of wire. Production and sales of wire netting.

Timber. Manufacturer of wire. Production and sales of wire netting. International freight transportation.

Heat & soundproof windows for windows and doors. Manufacturer of blinds and shutters. Garages gates and doors.


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