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 Parcs SRL Letcani

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Agricultural Vehicles section of the Auto domain.
Manufacturer in the Heavy & Mining & Technologic section of the Machinery domain.
Manufacturer in the Equipment & Gear & Machinery section of the Constructions domain.

Letcani, 707280

 In charge 
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 Web address

Manufacturer of equipments/accessories for farm machinery. Sanitation equipment. Digging, transportation equipment. Road building equipment supply.

Parcs SRL Letcani encounter 1949 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Iasi:

Farm machinery and equipment. Equipment and tools for gardens and gardening. Building equipment. Irrigation installations and equipments. Combustion engines. Power tools. Pumps manufacturer. Traditional and oxyacetylene welding. Air compressors. Hand tool.

Equipment for transport and weight lifting. National distributor of tractors and agricultural machinery. Concrete and aggregates for gravel pit. Specialized and oversized transportation. Industrial and civil construction. Construction mechanisation.

Spare parts for agricultural machinery.


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