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 Panipat Iris SA Bucuresti

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Breadstuff & Bakery & Mills & Pastry section of the Alimentation domain.
Trader in the Trade Store section of the Alimentation domain.

Bulevardul Unirii 29, Bucuresti; Piata Traian, Vaslui, 730162; Strada Soca 19, Husi, 73510

 In charge 
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Milling and bakery. Food retailers.

Panipat Iris SA Bucuresti encounter 1598 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Bucuresti:

Manufacturer of grain breakfast cereals expanded. Expandatelor segment market leader in grain.

Activity in the field of bakery equipment, confectionery - sales - repairs, spare parts and for construction of stainless steel ecquipments for food industry.

And specialty bread factory with a capacity of over 25 thousand loaves a day non stop distributing.

Import and distribution of ingredients for food industry: enzymes, clotting, vitamins, minerals, dyes, antioxidants, lactic cultures, flavors, proteins, stabilizers, emulsifiers, functional systems.


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