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 Panimon SA Onesti

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Breadstuff & Bakery & Mills & Pastry section of the Alimentation domain.
Trader in the Wholesale & Retail Trade section of the Trade domain.
Trader in the Retail Trade section of the Trade domain.

Strada Marasesti 19, Onesti, 601146

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Panimon SA Onesti representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address
Not available.

Milling and bakery. Wholesale and retail trade. Trade of general use products. Bakery. Pastry. Service providers. Food retailers. Retail trade. Caterer unit.

Panimon SA Onesti encounter 1287 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bacau:

Cable TV signal supply services. Taxi services. Confectionery/pastry. Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Retail trade. Consulting and insurance brokerage.

Taxi services. Pretzels.

Rental of retail space and office space. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Aluminium joinery. Milling and bakery.

Retail trade. Wholesale and retail trade. Pastry. Confectionery and pastry cooks. Trade of general use products. Confectionery/pastry.


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