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 Norvea SA Brasov

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Aluminium Shapes & Carpentry & Joinery & Product section of the Industrial domain.
Trader in the Hair Style & Barbers Shop & Cosmetic & Flavour section of the Household domain.

Bulevardul Victoriei 12, et.4, Brasov, 500214; Piata Sfatului 6, Brasov, 500031

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Norvea SA Brasov representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Not available.
 Web address
Not available.

Retail sale for cosmetics/hosiery.

Norvea SA Brasov encounter 683 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Brasov:

Imports and distributes on the Romanian market insulated panel produced by PaChico LTD, licensed "Weiss Chemie + Technik".

Wholesale PVC and aluminum accessories: inner and outer sills, white and colored PVC panel (Weiss, Stadur), EPDM gasket, insect systems, hardware, polyurethane foam.

Aluminium and PVC joinery. Fittings. Manufacturer of blinds and shutters.

Aluminium and PVC joinery. Fittings. Arrangements and interior design.


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