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 Neferprod Impex SRL Timisoara

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Wood & Metal Structures section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Aluminium Shapes & Carpentry & Joinery & Product section of the Industrial domain.
Manufacturer in the Container & Courier section of the Transport domain.
Trader in the Gas Station & Car Wash & Equipment section of the Auto domain.

Strada Ioan Slavici 113, Timisoara, 300523

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Production of machines for galvanising processes. Electrostatic painting. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Industrial services. Car reconditioning services. Scrap metal recovery. Nonferrous waste recovery activities.

Neferprod Impex SRL Timisoara encounter 1466 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Timis:

Furniture for industry. Metal furniture for documents storage/archiving. Metal structures, profiles and fittings.

Manufactures and markets custom staircases and personalized furniture at the highest quality standards.

Manufacturing and wholesale trade of chemicals. Metal coatings for industrial buildings and homes. Supplier of raw materials for chemical industry. Installations fittings and subassemblies. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Hot galvanizing operation.

Supply of building materials. Arrangements and interior design. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Industrial and civil construction. Civil engineering.


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