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 Mira-Val SRL Resita

 Main business
Trader in the Trade section of the Industrial domain.
Manufacturer in the Non Ferrous Metallurgy section of the Industrial domain.
Trader in the Cable & Insulated & Furnishing section of the Electrical domain.
Manufacturer in the Mill Work & Casting & Forge & Sinter section of the Industrial domain.

Strada Libertatii, Bl.A3, Resita, 320058

Caras Severin
 In charge 
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 Web address
Not available.

Metal trade. Nonferrous metallurgical products. Cables for voice and data transmissions. Metal-rolling. Import/export of non-ferrous products.

Mira-Val SRL Resita encounter 1567 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Caras Severin:

Screws and metal accessories merchandising. Grub screws manufacturer. Fasteners. Nails and screws manufacturer.

Metallurgical services. Sale of building materials. Trade of metallurgical products. Supplier of steel-reinforced concrete. Metal trade. Cement trade. Metal-rolling.

Inland goods transport. Sale of metallurgical products. Domestic road transport. Metal-rolling. Sale of building materials.

Various import-export firm (second-hand cars, tires, furniture, electronics), executive furniture, interior (drywall, false ceilings).


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