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 Matform SA Odorheiu Secuiesc

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Equipment & Mould & Raw Materials section of the Plastics domain.
Trader in the Human Drugs section of the Health domain.

Strada Nicolae Balcescu 5, Odorheiu Secuiesc, 535600

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Moulds for punching. Machines and equipment for the pharmaceutical industry. Moulds for pressure casting. Equipment for mechanical processing.

Matform SA Odorheiu Secuiesc encounter 1164 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Harghita:

Retail trade of plastics. Wholesale of plastics. Plastic packaging. Production/supply of plastics.

Moulds for punching. Cutting machining. Metal foundries.

Plastic injection moulds. Machines for chemical and petrochemical industry. Manufacturer of mould/accessories for plastic injection. Moulds for punching. Processing of plastics. Production/supply of plastics. Machines for construction industry.

Plastic injection moulds. Moulds for punching.


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