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 Matalica Com SRL Seini

 Main business
Trader in the Health Appliance & Fitting & Spare Parts section of the Appliance domain.
Trader in the Hair Style & Barbers Shop & Cosmetic & Flavour section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Dye & Varnish section of the Chemistry domain.
Trader in the Building Material Trade section of the Constructions domain.

Piata Unirii 20, Seini, 435400; Strada Ciresilor 38 - sediu, Seini, 435400; Strada Cuza Vo

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Matalica Com SRL Seini representative.
 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Retail trade of sanitary ware. Retail sale for cosmetics/hosiery. Trade of paints and varnishes for household/industrial use. Sale of building materials. Stationery products trade. Supplier of porcelain objects made in China. Techno medical products and accesories.

Matalica Com SRL Seini encounter 607 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Maramures:

Air conditioning and heating devices. Ventilation and aeration equipment. Construction installations. Sanitary house installations. Plants and equipment for house heating.

Industrial and civil construction. Arrangements and interior design. Electric wiring and networks. Sanitary house installations.

Plants and equipment for house heating. Installation and repair for sanitary items. Repair and maintenance of heating systems and equipment. Air conditioning. Automation.

Domestic heating systems. Sanitary house installations.


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