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 Lanexim SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Trader in the Carpet & Rug & Blanket & Towel section of the Household domain.

Strada Th.Sperantia 135, Bl.83, Sc.B, et.2, Ap.44, Bucuresti, 030934

 In charge 
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Wholesaler of carpets and rugs.

Lanexim SRL Bucuresti encounter 657 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bucuresti:

Established in 1998, main activity import of carpet linoleum, PVC carpet, producing doors, glass windows and furniture and civil construction of houses.

Import Flooring: traffic linoleum, carpet office / hotel, raised technical floors, artificial turf for sports fields, accessories.

PVC flooring adhesive for medium and heavy traffic, traffic composite floors.

Sold in Romania through the showroom of Liberty Avenue in June, embroideries, tablecloths, bathrobes, towels, blankets, bedding, the best quality.


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