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 Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Constructii- Filiala Timisoara

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Civil & Industrial & Special Contractor section of the Constructions domain.
Offer services in the Scientifical Research & Development & Design section of the Institutions domain.
Offer services in the License & Certification & Patent section of the Business domain.
Offer services in the Civil & Industrial & Special Contractor section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Traian Lalescu 2, Timisoara, 300223

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Constructii- Filiala Timisoara representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Constructii- Filiala Timisoara.
 Web address
Not available.

Scientific research, design, project development. Quality systems for products. Construction. Construction services. Construction-quality control. Construction consultancy services.

Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Constructii- Filiala Timisoara encounter 810 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Timis:

Execution of civil and industrial construction.

Selling the best transmission and control systems to the highest standards for industry and agriculture.

We execute turnkey houses. General contractor in construction, including design objective. We provide consulting and technical assistance on site.

Attic apartment building with blocks, as well as villa-type buildings at minimal prices.


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