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 Hesper SA Bucuresti

 Main business
Offer services in the Agricultural Vehicles section of the Auto domain.
Manufacturer in the Door & Gate & Window section of the Household domain.
Manufacturer in the Pressurized & Bottled & Pneumatic section of the Equipments domain.
Trader in the Counter & Conveyance & Hose & Valve section of the Appliance domain.

Strada Dr.C.Istrati 1, Bucuresti 4, 040542

 In charge 
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Spare parts for agricultural machinery. Manufacturer of metal doors. Vacuum equipment and installations - supply. Pumps manufacturer. Thermal metals treatments. Plants and equipment for house heating. Safes. Furniture with metal structure. Hydraulic equipments.

Hesper SA Bucuresti encounter 1538 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bucuresti:

We offer a wide range of trailers and semi-trailers, agricultural machinery and livestock equipment. Made to order any kind of trailer and trailer after the client's requirements.

Auto service company - R.A.R.authorized for all vehicles. Services: sheet metal work, mechanics, painting, washing, towing, ITP station, electrical repairs of alternators.

Supplier of disinfectants for pest control activities/insects. Recreational and commercial boats. Household detergents. Sales office for sports equipment. Sanitation equipment. Equipment and supplies for cleaning industry. Hotel equipments.

Equipments/accessories for farm machinery. Spare parts for agricultural machinery. Various filters. Various chains. Rubber and metal belts for vehicles. Non-food oils and lubricants. Production of industrial oils and lubricants.


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