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Health (8077)
Profiles from 20 to 40 out of the 65 companies which encounter 133.087 visits in the business field Health, business section Sanatorium & Hostel & Hydropathic.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre. Asylum. Retirement house. Specialized assistance.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre. Asylum. Retirement house. Specialized assistance.

Special care hospital centre.

Retirement home, Campina, elderly care, treatment and care, Carpathian Campina old house, ....

Community services and social assistance. Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre. Asylum. Retirement house. Specialized assistance.

Special care hospital centre.

Community services and social assistance.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre. Community services and social assistance. Schools for children with disabilities and handicap.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre.

Special care hospital centre. Community services and social assistance. Schools for children with disabilities and handicap.

Special care hospital centre.

Retirement home located on the outskirts of Beius.                        

  0 > 20 20 > 40
 40 > 60   60 > 80  

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