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Health (8077)
Profiles from 20 to 40 out of the 207 companies which encounter 251.598 visits in the business field Health, business section Optics.

Medical optics. Ophthalmology medical office.                        

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Service providers. Beauty salon - hair and beauty. Manufacturer of various garments.

Medical optics. Antiques and art/cultural items.


Photo studio and lab. Medical optics.

Medical optics.

Medical optics. Service providers. Handicraft cooperatives, handicraft objects. Cosmetic parlour. Service and repair for electronic applianc....

Medical optics.

Small furniture pieces. Medical optics. Classical carpentry. Hairdresser's salon. Repair and maintenance of electrical installations. Servic....

Furniture exporter. Service and repair for electronic appliances. Medical optics. Service providers.

Sale of gold and silver jewellery. Mirrors, frames installation services/trading. Upholstery for joinery products. Optics. Cleaning and laun....

Service providers. Optics. Medical optics.

Medical optics.

Medical optics. Free optometry consultations. Computer equipment. All types of lenses. Frames and sun glasses and modern classic collections....

Medical optics.

Medical optics. Ophthalmology medical office.

Techno medical products and applications.

Sell the stock / make to order medical equipment new or second-hand eye reconditioned comp....

Optics. Techno medical products and applications.

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