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Profiles from 60 to 80 out of the 200 companies which encounter 624.892 visits in the business field Health, business section Human Lab & (Poli)clinic.

Human clinic. Medical centre for gynaecology and related transmitted diseases. Cardiology medical centre. Endocrine medical services. Urolog....

Investigations and specialist consultations, laboratory tests, medical imaging (radiology,....

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre. Human clinic. Medical services and prevention for....

Obstetrics and Gynecology. In vitro fertilization. Endocrinology. Genetics. Urology. Labor....

Human clinic. Family physician. General medicine. Recipes and medical prescriptions. Internist's cabinet. Acupuncture. Oriental healing tech....

Human clinic. Medical centre for gynaecology and related transmitted diseases. Acupuncture. Oriental healing techniques. Endocrine medical s....

Human clinic. Family physician. General medicine. Recipes and medical prescriptions. Internist's cabinet. Cardiology medical centre. Gastroe....

Training/retraining vocational courses. Lab.

Human clinic. Medical laboratory analysis.

Human clinic.

Human clinic. Medicine and herbal medications. Dermatology and gynecology centre. Acupuncture. Oriental healing techniques. Homeopathic medi....

Medical centers and laboratories.                        

Human clinic.

Occupational health center.                        

Human clinic. Medical clinic. Analysis and treatment.

Medical analysis laboratory, office neurology, biochemistry, hematology, immunology, paras....

Human clinic. Medical laboratory analysis. Occupational health services. Family physician. General medicine. Recipes and medical prescriptio....

Human clinic. Medical laboratory analysis. Medical centre for gynaecology and related transmitted diseases. Internist's cabinet. Ultrasound ....

3PSY Clinic. Psychotherapy. Personality disorder. Panic attacks. Phobias. Depression. Psyc....

Perform radiological investigations.                        

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