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Profiles from 20 to 40 out of the 265 companies which encounter 430.490 visits in the business field Health, business section Medical Center & Dispensary.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre. Cardiology medical centre. Human surgery. Phlebology medical services. Internist's cabinet. Human c....

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre. Internist's cabinet. Paediatrician. Children medical services.

Occupational / Sports, surgery, physiotherapy, ophthalmology, ultrasound, psychiatry adult....

The first private echocardiography laboratory accredited in Romania by the European Associ....

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

The largest operator of private medical centers in Romania, 5 medical centers in Bucharest....

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre. Radiology and imaging investigation. Medical serv....

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre. Occupational health services. Medical laboratory ....

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre. Human clinic.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.                        

Nephrology specialist. Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Home care services.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Blood collection and transfusion centre.

  0 > 20 20 > 40
 40 > 60   60 > 80   80 > 100 

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