Acupuncture. Oriental healing techniques. Bodybuilding and recovery medical centre. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment after physica....
Medical laboratory analysis.
Bodybuilding and recovery medical centre.
Ophthalmology medical office. Veterinary cabinet. Dental services. Ophthalmology medical office. Veterinary pharmacy.
Clinic has over 20 offices and works with about 80 specialists, lecturers, teachers in spe....
Medical centre for gynaecology and related transmitted diseases. Ultrasound medical services. Family planning centre.
Cardiology medical centre.
Medical diagnostic and treatment centre. Drug addiction counselling centre.
Human clinic.
Psychological counselling.
Psychological counselling. Foundation. Association of human rights promotion.
Diagnosis / treatment of T2 diabetes, hepatitis B, C, H. pylori, dyslipidemia, reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL increased, obesity, at....
Family planning centre.
We offer complete audiology, digital hearing aids, sound and hearing testing: free, 100% o....
Haematology specialist.
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