 About Romania 
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Business (5307)
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Culture (2041)
Institutions (9514)
Education (5333)
Health (8077)
Profiles from 0 to 20 out of the 2704 companies which encounter 1.221.199 visits in the business field Institutions, business section City Hall & Public Services & Monopoly.

Local administration and management services.

Local administration and management services. Thermal power supplier. Sewage services and water treatment.

Local administration and management services.

Sanitation and urban service delivery, grooming.

Local administration and management services.

Local administration and management services. Thermal power supplier. Thermal power producer.

Local administration and management services.

Care management services for public parks.

Administration/selling/building of state founded houses.

Public domain maintenance. Local administration and management services.                        

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

Public domain maintenance.

0 > 20
 20 > 40   40 > 60   60 > 80 

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