| Ecosat SRL Bacau Fibreglass construction. Manufacturer/supplier of sanitary ware. Manufacturer of fibre glass and other products. | | Edinco SA Cluj-Napoca Construction installations. Urban construction. Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant. | |
| Elisan SRL Giurgiu Industrial and civil construction. | | Elmar SA Baia Mare Electric wiring and networks. Equipment and facilities for electric power distribution. Electrical engineering and automation. Outdoor insta.... | |
| Emiver SRL Alba Iulia Industrial assembly plants, industrial facilities, fire, recreation ISU. | | Energetica SRL Simian Electric wiring and networks. Metal coatings for industrial buildings and homes. Sale of accessories for electrical networks. Outdoor instal.... | |
| Energic SRL Bucuresti Clothes cleaning and laundry services. Fast tailoring services. Stationery and office supp.... | | Energo Prest Company SRL Pitesti Electric wiring and networks. Electrostatic painting. Panels and electrical panels. Electric power transformer stations. | |