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Profiles from 0 to 20 out of the 64 companies which encounter 96.566 visits in the business field Equipments, business section Pressurized & Bottled & Pneumatic.

Manufacture of industrial, medical and food gases, liquid or tablets. Refrigeration gas. G....

Rexroth Partner - marketing, design, technical support and service facilities / equipment,....

Food vinegar production. Bottling machinery and equipment.

Traditional and oxyacetylene welding. Materials for welding and gas used in industrial pro....

Systems control, protection and control of electric power. Vacuum equipment and installati....

New company, but with specialists over 15 years experience in the field, experience gained....

Machine tools. Professional hand tools. Pneumatic tools. Equipment for mechanical processing.

Machines and equipment for plastics. Polyurethane. We recover waste from PVC, polypropylen....

Automation. Transducers. Industrial electronic products. Components and subassemblies. Characteristics measuring for compresses air. Measuri....

Producing/high and medium pressure hoses trade. Pneumatic gaskets and accessories. Pneumat....

PET pre-forms and bottles - production.

Pneumatic devices. Non-food oils and lubricants. Transmission belts. Roller bearings with ....

Machinery, devices and appliances for quarrying. Mining construction. Machines and equipme....

Equipment automatization for fields: bottling, food, pharmaceutical, chemical. Rinsing mac....

Pneumatic tools. Power tools. Tools and accessories.

Air compressors. Pneumatic tools.

Pneumatic Equipment Suppliers: pneumatic tools, cylinders, dispensers, air preparation, co....

Alcoholic beverages - beer manufacturer. Beer wholesale. Bottling of carbon dioxide.

Sale of computers. Internet service provider. Signal providing Internet services. Equipmen....

Pneumatic devices. Machines and equipment for painting, electrostatic painting. Pneumatic tools.

0 > 20
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