Leather goods. Trade of general use products. Wholesale trade. Bed linen manufacturer. Trade of vegetables and fruits.
Supplier of shoes accessories. Materials footwear production. Leather goods. Shoes. Shoes manufacturer.
Shoes retailer. Trade of leather goods.
Hides processing and preserving. Tanning. Production and supply of leather. Meat products ....
Manufacturer of leather handbags.
Furs. Fur dyers.
Leather garments.
Hides processing and preserving.
Hides processing and preserving. Tanning. Production and supply of leather. Stocks and merchandise purchase.
Hides processing and preserving. Scrap metal recovery.
Leather garments. Manufacturer of various garments.
Leather garments. Leather goods.
Tanning shop for leather products. Leather garments.
Tanning. Production and supply of leather. Hides processing and preserving. Leather garments.
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