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Profiles from 60 to 80 out of the 101 companies which encounter 145.268 visits in the business field Transport, business section Building Yard & Maintenance & Equipments & Research.

Building and repairing ships.

Various filters. Water supply and sewerage facilities.                        

Materials and devices for fire protection. Production and supply of labour and protection ....

Management systems. Safety & health at work.

Ship repair.

Ship repair.

Electrical installations, equipment and automation for ships. Panels and electrical panels....

Ship sandblasting and painting services. Building and repairing ships. Ship repair. Dye wo....

Building and repairing ships. Docks and warehouses. Shipyard.                        

Building and repairing ships. Shipyard. Ship repair. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Traditional and oxyacetylene welding. Producti....


Building and repairing ships. Ship repair.

Ship repair.

Building and repairing ships.

Building and repairing ships, Construction of water, and coastal shipping, Renting of wate....

Building and repairing ships. Ship repair. Repair of ship engines. Ship sandblasting and painting services. Electrical installations, equipm....

Research and design in the navy field. Maritime expertise. Marine consultancy services. Sc....

Building and repairing ships.

Design and installation of methane pipelines. Methane equipment and distribution. Plants and equipment for house heating. Construction, inst....

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