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Profiles from 20 to 40 out of the 101 companies which encounter 145.268 visits in the business field Transport, business section Building Yard & Maintenance & Equipments & Research.

Sales, design & manufacture of deck equipments. Research and design in the navy field.                        

Naval & industrial electrical installations. Electrical installations, equipment and autom....

Electrical installations, equipment and automation for ships. Marine services troubleshoot....

Electrical installations, equipment and automation for ships. Marine services troubleshooting electrical/electronics. Radar, electronic navi....

Ship repair.

Research and design in the navy field.

Building and repairing ships.

Supply ships. Products and services for the marine industry. Supply spare parts and marine....

Building and repairing ships. Ship repair. Research and design in the navy field. Air cond....

Accommodation - insulation - upholstery floors - engineering for ship building industry. S....

Design, engineering and hydrodinamic services for shipbuilding and offshore energy industr....

Production of commercial and recreational boats. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Ship repair. Metal coatings for industrial buildin....

Rubber gaskets. Manufacturer of construction materials. Seals. Formwork and scaffolding for construction.

Member of the Damen Shipyards Group: design and engineering for shipbuilding. Research and....

Building and repairing ships. Ship repair.

Ships interior design. Building and repairing ships. Ship repair. Research and design in t....

Building and repairing ships. Ship repair.                        

Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Building and repairing ships. Ship repair. Electr....

Radar, electronic navigation systems. Production and supply for ship engines. Diesel engines. Marine services troubleshooting electrical/ele....

Production and supply of labour and protection equipments. Manufacturer of underwater resc....

  0 > 20 20 > 40
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