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Profiles from 100 to 120 out of the 329 companies which encounter 535.548 visits in the business field Plastics, business section Material & Product & Processing.

Production/supply of plastics. Pools creating. Processing of plastics. Plastic parts for construction. Manufacturer of barrels and storage c....

Production of automotive and non automotive made by plastic injection and assembly.                        

Production by injection molding. Sizes, colors and different textures from all categories of products. We have the best equipment with a cap....

Plastic Injection Mould. Manufacturer LED modules, LED spotlights, lighting fixtures, lamp....

Screws, small plastic accessories - production. Spare parts for injection/extrusion equipments. Machines and equipment for plastics. Process....

Manufacturer of light commercials, distributor of plastic plates, produces various materia....

Recycling centre of paper and cardboard waste. We recover waste from PVC, polypropylene, p....

Processing of plastics. Manufacturer of containers.

Importer and manufacturer of crowns, crowns of fir artificial supports, artficiale flowers....

Production/supply of plastics.

Processing of plastics. Brushes, lime brushes and painters for paintings. Equipment and to....

Wholesale plastic products, melamine, glass.

Plastic pipes and accessories. Metallurgical services. Small furniture pieces. Pipes suppl....

Supplier of medical devices and equipments. Manufacturer of medical instruments. Materials for medical use (bandages, gauze). Processing of ....

Production/supply of plastics.

Processing of plastics. Production/supply of plastics. Plastic packaging. Plastic bags, sacks, coverings. Supplier of equipment and machiner....

Bottles, PE, PP, PET, caps.                        

We sell virgin plastics, regranulate and ground. Achizitonam any plastic waste. Machines s....

We recover waste from PVC, polypropylene, plastic. Waste paper recovery services.                        

Production and supply of labour and protection equipments. Processing of plastics.

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