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Profiles from 20 to 40 out of the 226 companies which encounter 375.633 visits in the business field Plastics, business section Pack.

Plastic packaging. Plastic bags, sacks, coverings. Supplier of equipment and machinery for packaging. Sack sealing machine. Thread and relat....

Packaging supplier.                        

Plastic packaging.

Provides on Romanian market a wide range of packaging solutions: bags, garbage bags, sheet....

Supply of disposable products. Household articles of plastics. Plastic bags, sacks, coveri....

Packaging supplier. Plastic packaging.

PET collection.

Plastic bags, sacks, coverings.

Plastic packaging. Packaging services.                        

Plastic packaging. Import of raw materials for food industry.                        

Production/supply of plastics. Processing of plastics. Plastic pipes and accessories. Plastic bags, sacks, coverings.

Processing of plastics. Accessories supplier for textile industry. Plastic bags, sacks, co....

Romanian manufacturer of packaging machines in thermo foil, packaging and wrapping systems....

Clothing covers production and marketing.

Plastic packaging. Covers, tapestries and tarpaulins for cars and trucks. Raw material for....

Metal containers, cans, bottling. Cutting machining. Plastic packaging. Elements for steel/sheet roofs.

Manufacturer of bags, PE bags, BOPP, etc. sizes on request. Sell PE film stretch, adhesive....

Manufacturer raffia bags, corrugated cardboard to 7 layers.

Plastic packaging. Toys for preschool and school children. Manufacturer of household items and housekeeping tools.

Processing of plastics. Production/supply of plastics. Plastic packaging. Plastic bags, sa....

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