Sale of petroleum products. Petrol station for vehicles. Sale of car accessories and spare parts.
Textile and footwear retailer. Sale of petroleum products. Industrial and civil construction.
Sale of building materials. Sale of petroleum products.
Bottled oxygen. Technological gases, gas probe. Business agent services.
Sale of petroleum products. Trade of general use products.
Pawn shop. Sale of gold and silver jewellery. Solid fuel - wood, coal.
Maintenance and repair of boilers. Transportation of petroleum products tankers. Gas bottling.
Sale of petroleum products.
Sale of petroleum products. Petrol station for vehicles. Transportation of petroleum products tankers. Liquid chemicals carrier. Road transp....
Exploitation of natural gas.
Plants and equipment for house heating. Meters and measuring equipment. Meat processing eq....
Gas bottling.
Sale of petroleum products. Gas cylinders - trade. Motor oils and lubricants - sale.
Maintenance and repair of boilers. Gas bottling.
Exploitation of natural gas. Gas transportation services and distribution.
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