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Profiles from 120 to 140 out of the 805 companies which encounter 816.280 visits in the business field Alimentation, business section Breadstuff & Bakery & Mills & Pastry.

Meat products. Bakery. Industrialisation, processing and preparation of meat. Abattoir facility. Bakery. Wheat products. Meat products trade....

The first meat processing Mures county, which in 2007 received certification from the Euro....

Abattoir facility. Bakery. Wheat products. Meat products sale.

Mill distributor for bakery, bakery raw materials, bran.                        

Confectionery/pastry. Pizzeria.

Bakery. Pastry - production.                        

Bakery. Bakery. Wheat products.

Confectionery/pastry. Brewery.

Bakery. Retail bakery. Food market. Shop for newborns. Clothing shop. Women garments. Car parking.

Cereal supplier. Animal breeding. Fodder and feeds producer for zootechnics. Milling. Bakery. Wheat products.



Milling. Agricultural services and products.                        

Pastry - production. Confectionery and pastry cooks. Wholesale manufacturer in confectionery and pastry products.

Pastry. Wafers. Waffles.

Bakery. Wheat products. Pastry.

Bakery. Wheat products.


Domestic and international road transport of goods.

Bakery in operation since 1991. We manufacture a wide range of bakery products for Cluj-Na....

 60 > 80   80 > 100   100 > 120 120 > 140

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