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Profiles from 0 to 20 out of the 132 companies which encounter 216.674 visits in the business field Alimentation, business section Fruits & Tinned Goods.

Production of frozen vegetables.                                

Trade of vegetables and fruits.                        

Poultry production unit. Industrialisation, processing and preparation of meat. Abattoir f....

Cereal supplier. Technical crops growth. Trade of vegetables and fruits.

Fruit trade.

Trade of vegetables and fruits. Lumbering enterprise.

Production of canned vegetables and fruits.

Plant research and growth. Food vinegar production. Trade of general use products. Trade of vegetables and fruits. Wholesale and retail trad....

Maintenance activities for hunting and fishing stocks. Forestry research. Medicinal herbs. Harvesting/trade of berries.

Supply of fruit made in Romania. Fruit growers. Tree growing.

Canned. Production of canned vegetables and fruits. Production of canned meat. Production ....

Trade of vegetables and fruits.

Production of canned vegetables and fruits. Food distribution.

Importer of fruit. Fruit trade.

Production of canned vegetables and fruits.

Pleurotus mushroom culture, mushrooms and berries, Pleurotus compost.                        

Trade of vegetables and fruits. Trade representative.                        

Distribution of various products. Production of canned meat.

Trade of vegetables and fruits. Fruit trade. Import and export of vegetables. Potatoes tra....

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