Technical crops growth.
Cattle breeding. Cereal supplier.
Cereals trade. Fodder and feeds producer for zootechnics. Concentrates/fodder for poultry ....
Cereal supplier. Animal breeding. Fodder and feeds producer for zootechnics. Milling. Bakery. Wheat products.
Cereals trade. Technical crops growth. Transport for agriculture. Agricultural services.
Cereal supplier.
Agricultural services and products. Cereal supplier. Cereals trade. Agricultural services.....
Is part of the companies that make up Holding CIPKER 96 of Hungary, with a reputation nationally and internationally established.
Cereal supplier. Cereals trade.
Cereal supplier. Producer of vegetables for food.
Cereal supplier. Fruit growers. Tree growing.
Fodder and feeds producer for zootechnics. Production of curd for manufacturing dairy prod....
Fodder and feeds producer for zootechnics.
Concentrates and combined fodder production.
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