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Profiles from 0 to 20 out of the 466 companies which encounter 416.731 visits in the business field Agriculture, business section Cereal & Forage & Textile Plant Production.

Manufacturer of wheat flour for bread and whole rye. The company is certified ISO 9001 and....

Global organization specialized in developing, manufacturing and marketing of a wide range....

Importer of fodder raw materials: additives, premixes and protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates, compound feed, powdered milk substitutes, pr....

Animal greening of livestock breeding and fattening agrozootechnical units, meat processin....

Trade of agricultural raw materials, intermediation in the sale of agricultural raw materi....

Transportation and marketing of grain.

Cereal supplier.

Cereal supplier.

Concentrates and combined fodder production. Fodder and feeds producer for zootechnics. Pigs breeding and exploitation farm. Poultry product....

Cereal supplier.

Cereal supplier.

Sale of building materials.

Cereal supplier.

Cereal supplier.

Cereal supplier. Seeds supply.

Cereal supplier. Potatoes farm.

Cereal supplier. Fodder and feeds producer for zootechnics.

Cereal supplier.

Agricultural services and products. Cereal supplier. Technical crops growth. Seeds supply.

Cereal supplier.

0 > 20
 20 > 40   40 > 60   60 > 80 

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