 About Romania 
All companies:
Business (5307)
Mass-Media (2619)
Advertising (1747)
Agriculture (2732)
Alimentation (3893)
Beverages (742)
Household (7653)
Recreation (3028)
Sport (1001)
Tourism (3201)
Chemistry (1631)
Wood (2202)
Plastics (686)
Glass (544)
Trade (3465)
Services (6948)
Computers (1920)
Communicat. (1503)
Electricals (1861)
Electronics (790)
Constructions (6324)
Transport (2764)
Auto (4201)
Clothing (2694)
Shoes (546)
Equipments (1014)
Industrial (2290)
Appliance (2727)
Machinery (1169)
Culture (2041)
Institutions (9514)
Education (5333)
Health (8077)
Equipments domain have 8 sections with Romanian companies profiles.
There are 320 sections starting from the 33 business domains.
  Equipments - Furnace & Boiler
  Equipments - Filter & Compressor
  Equipments - Hydraulic
  Equipments - Mining & Extraction Industry
  Equipments - Mechanical Processing
  Equipments - Industrial Products
  Equipments - Labour Protection
  Equipments - Pressurized & Bottled & Pneumatic


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