| Opera Com SRL Focsani Food wholesaler. Refrigerated storage for fish keeping. Car wash station. | | Veritas Panciu SA Wine made. Food supply. Wholesale of alcoholic beverages. Storage. Agricultural services a.... | |
47 companies from neighbors counties( Buzau, Bacau, Galati, Braila ) acting in domain Alimentation, section Processing & Packing & Product. |
| Apicola SRL Bacau Established in '98 - private capital. Acquisition / processing / marketing bee products conventional / organic, including creamy honey - spr.... | | Nelfiacom Impex SRL Galati Roasted peanuts in shell and shelled, black and mottled seeds, pumpkin seeds and bakery pr.... | |
| Apolo Impex SRL Moinesti Retail trade. Wholesale trade. Confectionery and pastry cooks. Sale of car accessories and spare parts. Wholesale manufacturer in confection.... | | ATFAB SRL Tecuci Canned. Production of canned vegetables and fruits. Production of canned meat. Production .... | |
| Copanex SRL Bacau Frozen, refrigerated foodstuff. | | Croco SRL Onesti Manufacturer of biscuits and foodstuffs. Bakery. Chips, sticks, crackers, pretzels. Milling and bakery. Pretzels. Food distribution. | |
| Cronos SRL Buzau Medicinal herbs. Food for diet/nutrition. Medicine and herbal medications. | | Cuky's Galati Bakery. Pastry - production. Confectionery/pastry. Wholesale manufacturer in confectionery.... | |
| Diablo Com SRL Galati Frozen, refrigerated foodstuff. Food wholesaler. Food distribution. Warehouse/cold storage for perishable food. Meat products wholesale trad.... | | Diva Wafers SRL Galati Wafers. Waffles. Sweets manufacturer. Sweets. Food distribution. | |
| Tapu Carpatin SRL Galati Frozen, refrigerated foodstuff. Food retailers. Food wholesaler. Warehouse/cold storage for perishable food. Meat products wholesale trade. .... |