| Camix Prod SRL Dragasani Manufacturer of varnishes and paints. Pigments. Timber. Specialized freight transportation. Exploitation and industrialization of wood. Wood.... | | Danioni Forest SRL Daesti Woodworking. Transportation of construction materials. Timber. | |
14 companies from neighbors counties( Dolj, Arges, Olt, Gorj ) acting in domain Transport, section (Petro)chemical & Special Shipping. |
| Dream Eurotransprest SRL Bascov Transport of goods in domestic and international traffic, freight transport oversized and .... | | Astra SA Craiova Industrial and civil construction. Transportation of construction materials. Sale of building materials. Construction design services. Concr.... | |
| Crimbo Gas 2003 SRL Caracal Maintenance and repair of boilers. Transportation of petroleum products tankers. Gas bottling. | | IPECO SA Targu Jiu Transportation of petroleum products tankers. Rubber products. Inland goods transport. Sale of petroleum products. | |