17 companies from neighbors counties( Arad, Caras-Severin, Hunedoara ) acting in domain Agriculture, section Garden Stuff & Apiculture. |
| Sherbee Honey Farms SRL Rapoltu Mare Acquisition, processing, distribution, import / export 100% natural honey, pollen and other bee products. | | Agrofarm Laura SRL Hunedoara Olives, mushrooms, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, broccoli, cap.... | |
| Agrirom SRL Arad Farm food distribution. Food distribution. Pet food shop. Frozen, refrigerated foodstuff. | | Agrobanat SA Caransebes Farm food distribution. Milling and bakery. Concentrates and combined fodder production. P.... | |
| Apilia SRL Julita Marketing of bee products- honey, pollen, propolis and bee swarms and families. Trading feed bees cake, syrup and plastic bottles for propol.... |