| Loial Impex SRL Suceava Construction installations. Electric wiring and networks. Non/bright signage. Alarm system.... | | Luhan SRL Suceava Works: electrical networks, electrical connections and low voltage 0.4 kV medium voltage (up to 20 kV inclusive), instaltii earthing, instal.... | |
| Retel Invest-Telecom SRL Suceava Telecommunication networks and services. Telecommunications designing. Telecommunications equipment. Electric wiring and networks. |
| Elteke SRL Iasi Licensed ISCIR offers: Maintenance and repair elevators, installation and repairs of electric machines and electronic execution and installa.... | | Elcata MHC SRL Nasaud Private company which has interests in renewable energy sources, especially the electricity produced in hydro power plants located on mounta.... | |
| Corion Electrocons SRL Iasi Electrical and civil engineering. Automation. Electrical connections. Lightning, the earth.... | | Petrica Group SRL Petricani Electrical installations for interior and exterior. civil and industrial construction, connections, extensions networks (LEA / LES 0.4 kV) e.... | |
| ElectricHuntyng SRL Roman Performs electrical and civil engineering, design, lightning, low current systems, access control, traffic light, SOS facilities. | | Binal Viomir SRL Bistrita Industrial and civil construction. Electric wiring and networks. Installation and repair for sanitary items. Aluminium and PVC joinery. Fitt.... | |
| Mattio Com SRL Roznov Sale of building materials. Elements for steel/sheet roofs. Sanitary equipments. Electric wiring and networks. Arrangements and interior des.... | | Mecano-Grup SA Piatra Neamt Repair of machine tools. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Repair and maintenance of electrical installations. | |
| Noba Engineering Iasi Electric wiring and networks. Electrical engineering and automation. | | Oroles Com SRL Piatra Neamt Electric wiring and networks. Sale of electrical devices and accessories. Panels and electrical panels. Technical assistance for energy. Con.... | |
| SCM Comelectra Iasi Electric wiring and networks. | | Tiab SA Piatra Neamt Electric wiring and networks. Electrical engineering and automation. Ventilation and aeration equipment. Air conditioning and heating device.... | |