| Eco Servtrans SRL Sibiu Collection, transport, medical and infectious waste disposal. Collection, transport of haz.... | | Ro-Ger SRL Medias Import of machinery and equipment for telecommunications. Waste paper recovery services. S.... | |
12 companies from neighbors counties( Brasov, Alba, Mures, Hunedoara ) acting in domain Services, section Recycling & Recovery. |
| Adarco Invest SRL Petrosani Waste recycling plants, paper and cardboard Prescontainere embedded or stationary press, c.... | | Recartoplast SRL Brasov Collected and recycled waste paper, cardboard, plastic, PET, glass, iron. Small contracted waste collection as well as guests. physical. | |
| Raluca Trans Impex SRL Reghin Company authorized the collection and recovery of waste recycled. For details please visit.... | | Petcu Ciprian PFA Provide authorized transportation and waste collection: burnt cooking oil, used vegetable oil, cooking oil expired dietary fat used. | |
| Casteco Invest SRL Deva Waste paper recovery services. Bottled oxygen. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Sa.... | | Exinto SA Sebes Non-ferrous foundry. Nonferrous cast items. Nonferrous waste recovery activities. Waste pa.... | |
| Remat SA Brasov Waste paper recovery services. | | Remat SA Mures Waste paper recovery services. Scrap metal recovery. Wholesale trade of industrial products. | |