| Cimpanu Car Wash SRL-D Targu Neamt Company with solid expertise in manufacturing and marketing of rubber carpets / tile - electrical and general purpose neoprene oil. | | Nikelas SRL Vanatori Textile inserts conveyors: conveyors textile inserts for general use for the transport of .... | |
| Eleon Grup SRL Vanatori We produce and sell rubber goods (seals, technical sheets, hoses and tubes, Belts, conveyor belt, cord and rubber seal). | | Marko Impex SRL Timisesti Mechanical rubber goods manufacturer - electrical platforms, boots (electrical, water, mud.... | |
14 companies from neighbors counties( Bacau, Iasi, Suceava, Harghita ) acting in domain Chemistry, section Rubber Products & Belt & Band. |
| Carom SA Onesti Rubber production. Manufacturing and wholesale trade of chemicals. Sale of chemicals and p.... | | Ab Initio Solutions SRL Pascani Gaskets, seals, hydraulic, pneumatic, rings, bushings, shock absorbers, rubber, PTFE, polyamide, polyacetal, polyurethane, advertising, bann.... | |
| Plexi-Met SRL Falticeni Stiplex production. Polycarbonate plates for construction. Processing of plastics. Product.... | | Primagra SRL Suceava Roller bearings with various applications. Storage and merchandising of roller bearings. Sliding bearings. Transmission belts. Grooved belts.... | |