| | Manpower Romania SRL Bucuresti
 | | Activitate | |
| |
 | | Adresa |  | Strada Ion Campineanu 11, Union Center, Etaj 2, Bucuresti
| Judet |  | Bucuresti |
 | | Reprezentant | |
Telefon mobil |  | Nespecificat. |
Telefon |  | [javascript text protejat] |
Fax |  | [javascript text protejat] |
 | | Adresa email | |
Adresa web |  | Nespecificata. |
 | | Descriere |  | Lider in domeniul resurselor umane, Manpower Romania are deschide agentii in Bucuresti, Timisoara si Brasov, propunand servicii de recrutare, munca temporara, gestiune contracte, payroll, consultanta. 2774 afisari online
Telia International SRL Bucuresti
Distribuitor autorizat ofera clientilor sai o gama de aplicatii software destinate companiilor in vederea eficientizarii activitatii curente. | |
Proficiency & Development SRL Bucuresti
We are a young team of organizational consultants who provides a wide range of services to companies in need of independent assistance in all aspects of human resources management. | |
APT Resources & Services Bucuresti
Payroll. Personnel leasing. Recruitment Executive search. Assessment Center. Outplacement. Career counseling. Training. Performance management. Team building. HR Consulting. PR & communication. | |
Human STRATEGICS SRL Bucuresti
Human STRATEGICS este compania de consultanta HR care ajuta managerii sa gaseasca si sa dezvolte oamenii de care au nevoie, dar si sa schimbe si sa dezvolte organizatiile pe care le conduc. | | |