| Desan SRL Bucuresti Sale of diluents, brake fluid, windshield fluid, antifreeze, consumables. Cosmetic product.... | | Ecotrans SRL Giurgiu Speed limiters, tachometers, speedometers. Professional installer of alarms with varying d.... | |
| Pex SRL Ploiesti Paints, varnishes and car kits. Auto cosmetics/maintenance products. | | Polytex Com SRL Bucuresti Covers, tapestries and tarpaulins for cars and trucks. Advertising materials. Custom awnings and parasols. PVC materials and accessories for.... | |
| Usab SRL Targoviste General car service. All car brands. Sale/Installation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). | | Vanesica Plast SRL Gaesti Manufacturer of car accessories and spare parts. Sale of car accessories and spare parts. Cosmetic products for automotive industry. Product.... | |