| Agromec Stefanesti SA Sale of tractors, combines, machinery and agricultural machinery: tractors: SAME, DEUTZ-FA.... | | Blue Tulip SRL Nuci Produce flowers and potted plants and flowers in greenhouses own season and stores in Buch.... | |
37 companies from neighbors counties( Bucuresti, Prahova, Giurgiu, Dambovita ) acting in domain Agriculture, section Horticulture & Gardening & Flower & Hothouse & Wine. |
| Elpida Company SRL Bucuresti Design and landscaping of green space, gardens and terraces, indoor and outdoor decoration.... | | Agrocon BVBA Belgia We deliver and assemble fully equipped turnkey greenhouses. 35 years of experience. Agroco.... | |
| RLM Water Management SRL Bucuresti Trading in own production, made in Spain: greenhouses, drip irrigation systems and fertiga.... | | KSM Agroalim SRL Bucsani Sale of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, flowers. Design and consulting EAFRD. Marketing, management, financial analysis of accounting and oth.... | |