| Comtrans SA Slobozia Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Domestic and international road transport. |
17 companies from neighbors counties( Calarasi, Ilfov, Bucuresti, Braila ) acting in domain Transport, section Road Travelling International. |
| Autogara Militari International passenger transport system. Domestic road passenger transport. | | Autogara Rahova Bucuresti Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Service and technical assistance for vehicles. | |
| Carpatia Tour 50 SRL Bucuresti Touristic services. Domestic and international road transport of passengers. | | Double T Bucuresti Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Touristic services. International passenger transport system. Travel agency. Domest.... | |
| U.N.T.R.R. Bucuresti Domestic and international road transport of goods. Domestic and international road transp.... | | Virgin Tours SRL Bucuresti Domestic/international tourism. Transportation of goods. Tourist insurance services. Trave.... | |
| Roxi Med SRL Bucuresti Our company rent for domestic and international tours, performing a wide range of buses an.... |