Bee keeping, apiculture, related products.
Retail grocery outlets in the city Oltenita predominant products (meat, dairy, frozen).
Import-export food. Distributor of brand Ilida. Products: olives, iodized salt, marmalade ....
Professional cleaning services company, provides services for commercial cleaning, real es....
Manufactures and sells through its stores meat products: cooked pork, beef, mutton, poultry.
Agriculture. Chemical fertilizers, soil improvement substances.
Farm food distribution.
Marketing of apiculture products: honey, pollen. Producer of honey.
Bee keeping, apiculture, related products. Marketing of apiculture products: honey, pollen. Producer of honey.
Farm food import-export.
Veterinary pharmacy.
Building maintenance and repairs. Farm food distribution.
Bee keeping, apiculture, related products. Scientific research, design, project development.
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