| Crimbo Gas Faurei Maintenance and repair of boilers. Transportation of petroleum products tankers. Gas bottling. | | Cyclon Tech SRL Braila Construction installations. Import/export of heating plants. Burners for heating equipment.... | |
| TIAB SA Braila Tools and equipment. Plants and equipment for house heating. Repair and maintenance of hea.... |
10 companies from neighbors counties( Galati, Buzau, Ialomita ) acting in domain Equipments, section Furnace & Boiler. |
| Nuclearmontaj Galati SA Steel & iron works repair, assembly and construction. Construction and repairs for power plants. Specialised construction for energy. Metal .... | | Romlotus Instalatii SRL Galati Industrial and civil construction. Gas and water piping for construction. Construction ins.... | |
| Roterm Grup SRL Galati Thermal plants building and repairs. Repair and maintenance of heating systems and equipment. Metal boilers and pressured containers. Mainte.... | | Stingomet SRL Lopatari Metal boilers and pressured containers. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. | |