| Termoelectrica SA - Sucursala Termoserv Braila Construction and repairs for power plants. Turbines for hydroelectric power plants. Metal boilers and pressured containers. Electrical engin.... | | Uniel Serv SRL Braila Specialised construction for energy. Construction and repairs for power plants. Electric wiring and networks. Design services and manufactur.... | |
18 companies from neighbors counties( Galati, Buzau, Ialomita ) acting in domain Electrical, section Energy Distribution & Network & Equipment. |
| CRC Electric SRL Galati RCC Electric is a distributor and technical representative firms OEZ sro / Czech Republic-producer of electrical and low voltage Raytech SRL.... | | Elmis SRL Maracineni ANRE certified company to run power lines, air or cable, with voltages from 0.4 to 20 kW a.... | |
| IVA SRL Galati Electric wiring and networks. Design services and manufacture of electrical installations. Repair and maintenance of electrical installation.... | | Kraft Electric SRL Buzau Voltage electrical networks. | |
| Nuclearmontaj Galati SA Steel & iron works repair, assembly and construction. Construction and repairs for power plants. Specialised construction for energy. Metal .... | | Roterm Grup SRL Galati Thermal plants building and repairs. Repair and maintenance of heating systems and equipment. Metal boilers and pressured containers. Mainte.... | |
| S.D.F.E.E. Buzau Electricity distributor. Electric power. Repair and maintenance of electrical installations. | | Termaexim SA Galati Specialised construction for energy. Construction and repairs for power plants. Lifting/ho.... | |