| Acvafor Proiect SRL Pitesti Roads and bridges - construction and maintenance. Water and sewerage services. Civil engineering. | | Alticon Company Pitesti Industrial and civil construction. Maintenance for sewage and disposal facilities. Sanitar.... www.alticon-company.home.ro | |
| ATVA SRL Pitesti Import of car accessories and spare parts. Consulting for management. Sewage services and .... | | Biotech Center SRL Pitesti Water treatment and purification equipment provider. Sewage services and water treatment. .... | |
| Euro Partener Instal SRL Pitesti Water, sewer, plumbing, works, construction, project, branching, fittings, maintenance, pi.... www.europartenerinstal.ro | | Febos SRL Pitesti Construction design services. Water and sewerage services. Bridges designing. Environment services. | |
| Geofor Divert SRL Zavoi We perform small water wells and deep diam. 509 mm, equipped with facilities FA12 diameter PVC columns at depths of 160-270 m. We perform hi.... | | GranDe Top Instal SRL Geamana We perform sanitary, thermal, water and sewage water extensions, water connections, sewerage connections, septic sewer installation, drainag.... | |
36 companies from neighbors counties( Valcea, Dambovita, Olt, Bucuresti ) acting in domain Services, section Water Supply & Purification & Sewer System. |
| Aqua-Trans SA Bals Capture, production, water distribution, heat generation and distribution. Construction and building repairs. Equipment and building repairs.... | | Forapex International SRL Targoviste We perform drilling wells advantageous water (wells), depths 20-100 m, pt. Civil construct.... | |
| Ana Nova Foraje SRL Bucuresti Performs complex work of drilling wells for water, drilling small and deep, deep wells, de.... | | Moldoveanu M.Stefan PFA Plumbing, heating, fire, automation, metering. Run in subcontracting facilities or parts of installations, service. Have all the necessary l.... | |
| Contera SRL Bucuresti Water and sewerage services. Gas transportation services and distribution. Construction. Construction services. Construction installations. | | Danfoss SRL Bucuresti Water and sewerage services. Verification and access control equipment. Systems and equipm.... | |
| Frigocom Star SRL Slatina Refrigeration equipment. Water and sewerage services. Arrangements and interior design. Materials for interior design. Repair, service and m.... | | Geosond SA Bucuresti Special construction. Water and sewerage services. | |